Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
The Future, What Does it Hold for Me?
What does the future hold for me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can calculate the tendencies and probabilities for specific periods of time. They're referred to as cycles because when one period ends another begins.
But numerology doesn't calculate predestination.
When you want to know what your future holds, it's necessary to have an idea of how far in the future you want to know about.
Let's start with the yearly cycle, called the personal year. With personal year calculations, a person can obtain a reading of the types of events and circumstances that are likely for any one-year period of your future. According to the information included with this question, your personal year number for this year is the master number 11.
There are cycles with longer periods. I'll address two of them here.
Your current pinnacle number is the number 5 and will change when you reach the age 52. Your current life period number is the number 3 and will change when you reach the age 53.
See the How Major Personal Numerology Cycles Affect Your Life article and the How Year and Month Cycles Affect Each Other article for more information about various cycles.
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