Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Significance of Date of Death
The above birthday [birth date provided with question] is my deceased husbands birthdate, he was killed 9-11-2011. I would like to know the significance of the numbers for the day he died.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I am so sorry for your loss.
There is no consistent correlation between the date people die and their numerology chart. Which is fortunate; else numerologists would use it to predict dates of death.
There are correlations, sometimes, but not consistently. The number 11 happens to also be your husbands heart's desire number, for example. But there's unlikely to be significance between those two other than the fact both are the number 11.
Perhaps the meaning of the date number and the numbers within the date of death will help.
The number 9112011 resonates with healing, harmony, health, and home. Also with nurturing, especially humankind.
The numerology date number is obtained by reducing the date to a single digit. When the date is reduced, it yields the number 6, which is also about healing, harmony, health, and home.
The three numbers within the date have numerological meaning:
Perhaps some significance will be apparent to you as you read about the number meanings.
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