Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Rough Year with Financial Situation
My husband and I are going through a rough year with our financial situation. Also we have been together for 10 years and still be do not have any kids. We would like to move to move Arizona and build our dream home but the only thing is miss is the money. When will the change come for me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, I'm unable to use numerology to determine financial future. Much depends on the economic environment where you live, the types of job/income opportunities available, and the actions you take and do not take.
Numerology can determine tendencies and likelihoods. But not what people will do.
Numerology can be used to determine the number of various cycles – daily, Monthly, Yearly, and longer cycles, up to 40 years. When a cycle number changes, the period of the subsequent cycle is likely to be different according to the new cycle number.
Thus, a change can come any day, any month, any year, etc.
This year (until end of day, December 31), your personal year number (the name of the yearly cycle number) is a 5.
The 5 personal year likely brought changes occurred to your life, experience of things you seldom have before. It's a year when there's a yearning to express one's sense of personal freedom.
Next year, your personal year number is 6, a year of home, family, and beliefs.
Near the end of any numerological cycle, the influence of the next cycle gradually manifests.
It's not a sharp cycle transition of one moment this influence and the next moment the other influence. Instead, there's a blending of the two near the transition, where the new cycle number's influence gradually gets stronger while the departing cycle number's influence gradually attenuate.
The personal year cycles may overlap up to three months, although many won't notice the new influence that early.
Of course, all cycle numbers affect each other. As do the name and birth date number. Thus, generally, no one cycle number has the leading influence. If a cycle number is identical to other cycle numbers, their combined influence is stronger than the individual influence would be.
Here are articles describing various numerology cycles.
- Which Numerology Cycle Is Most Powerful?
- Numerology Fact # 3: Numerology Cycle Numbers Affect Each Other
- Which Numerology Life Period Cycle Is Dominating You?
- Take Advantage Of Your Numerology Pinnacle Cycles
- Future Years Numerology Reading
- Personal Month Numerology Reading
- Numerology Personal Day Number Calculator
Your name number 1 tells me you tend to be be self-reliant and your heart's desire number (calculated from name vowels) tells me you much prefer to be part of a team. This may seem like a conflict, and it can be, but it can also make you strong.
Regarding the question about children, a qualified medical practitioner may be able to provide answers.
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