Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Reflecting In My Numerology Profile

[date #1 removed] was a terrible day when my mother passed away and my life turned upside down. [date #2 removed] was other month where major changes took place. We're those years reflecting badly in my numerology profile?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The personal numerology profile or chart represents certain energies that can affect a person, energies that reveal certain likelihoods and tendencies. The energies are just energies. Any good or bad associated with them is subjective.
Monthly and daily numbers generally don't reveal huge changes. They mostly represent energy that nudges or influences the energy of the longer cycles.
The first date is too early in your life for a major cycle change. Using the essence transit tool, which reports yearly energy changes, I still don't see anything that could be the foundation for the type of day you describe. It looks like it was more your mother's timing than anything to do with your numerology chart.
The second date is the year of two major cycle changes, your pinnacles and your delineated challenges. As with all cycle changes, they are energy changes and they don't bode good or bad. As energy, they interact and flow with other energies, but don't by themselves cause anything else to happen.
The pinnacle cycle change was from the number 8 to the number 2. The delineated challenge change was from the number 1 to the number 5. Normally, some change is felt during a major cycle change, especially when a person is sensitive to subtle shifts. But they wouldn't be strong enough to cause much turbulence for a person.
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