Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes

Number 7 in Many Chart Positions

I am in great need of some professional advice. Since my awakening last year I have looked back on my life and I have had so much Karma and negative energies present. I have been successful and then lost it all etc. I feel I may need to do something about the energies I have, I don't know what to do for the best. At the beginning of my life everybody called me [name removed]. I moved abroad and [name removed] wasn't permissible as some cultures pronunciation say it is a man's name so I went to [name removed]. This name and my surname has 37/1 and 33/6 expression 7. My life path is 7 and my corner stone for both christian and surname is 7. So I am: Life Path - 7, Birth Day - 5, Sub elements 1-5-1, Challenge Number - 1, 7 life path and 7 expression is 14 = 5 maturity number, Soul Urge 33/6, Expression 16/7 - 1 and 6 behind elements Growth Number = 1, Secret Self=1. Please help. I am in a 7 personal year so much confusion hahaha. Any advise welcome.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology can reveal tendencies and likelihoods. It does not reveal predestination and it does not negate free will. For help with life choices, it may be prudent to arrange a real time, in-person professional consultation with someone in your geographical area.

Even when a name is changed, the energies represented by the birth name remain with the person.

The following is based on the name and birth date provided with your question.

Read about the master number 33, which is your heart's desire number. You'll find that the 33 energy is available but that it doesn't demand to be utilized. It is OK and acceptable for you to choose whether or not to make it a part of your life.

The number 7 represents introspective energy. Answers are sought within. If not found, study is pursued to find the answer — which appears to be what you are doing.

The number 7 being your destiny number, your life path number, and your current personal year number, you're likely to experience the 7 energy with intensity. Your cornerstone letter resonating with the number 7 tends to keep you oriented to approach life in that way.

From your question, I get the impression you intellectually understand the energy of the 7 and that you experience the energy as you live life. Yet, the 7 energy is a small part of what is available.

There are other numbers in your numerology profile that represent a high volume of energy. Free will can be utilized to allow those to manifest alongside the 7 energy. Use the core numbers calculator and cycle numbers from birthdate calculator to reveal the numbers.

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