Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Not Moving in Life or Career
I feel I'm not moving in life or career. What does future hold for me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The pinnacle and life period cycles are generally consulted to reveal what the future is likely to be. Also the personal year for yearly changes.
Note that it's a likelihood of the future, not a predetermination. Regardless what your numerology chart says, your actions and inactions play a large role in what your future will be.
At ages 33 and 34, your pinnacle and life period cycles will change. The pinnacle from number 3 to number 1. The life period from number 2 to number 1.
During the same period, your personal year numbers will change from 9 to 1, which will help the new effects of the longer cycles kick in.
The energy represented by the number 1, among other things, is about self-reliance and independence. It's an energy that supports striking out on your own, determining your own life, supporting yourself and making your own mark on the world.
Whether or not that will happen depends on you, what you do or don't do. Deciding what future you want, then making plans and actively pursuing them, is a way to get moving and create your custom future.
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