Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
My Future In the Next 5 Years

What is my future in next 5 years?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are no major cycle changes for you within the next 5 years. But there are shorter cycles.
Of the major cycles, your pinnacle cycle number changed when you became age 39. The next time it changes is when you become age 48.
Also a major cycle, your life period cycle number changed when you became 31. The next time that cycle changes is at age 58.
There were no recent changes with your challenge numbers and I don't see any coming up in the future.
Of the shorter cycles, paying attention to the personal year is prudent. This cycle changes with the calendar (instead of with personal age, like the larger cycles do).
With the new year, your personal year number will be the number 4, a number that represents a pragmatic energy with clear focus, among other things. It is also a period during which a person is more focused on building a secure future.
A person generally starts to feel the personal year energy a month or two before the new year and completes the integration a week or so after the new year begins. In other words, you most likely feel the 4 energy already.
See the Effects of 3 to 4 Personal Year Number Change article for information about changing into a 4 personal year.
The personal month number can also be a guide. The period of influence is much shorter, but can have an effect. For December, this year, your personal month number 6 attracts events and circumstances related to home, family, and harmony. January will be the personal month number 5, which attracts new experiences and a tendency to express a personal sense of freedom.
Knowing the personal day number may also help. The influence lasts only a day. Yet, if the personal day number conflicts with the personal month or personal year number, it may be accompanied with feelings of anxiety or confusion. Contrarily, if the personal day number is in accord with the other numbers, it can enhance the energy represented by those numbers.
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