Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
My Future; I Need to Know Everything

What does my near future hold for me? I need to know everything.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, knowing everything about the future or even just the near future is potentially possible only for those with no free will at all. Because one change anywhere along the life would change the entire future from that point on — and the person would once again not know the rest of the near future. See the Wait! Don't Tell Me My Future! article for more insight.
Futures are not foretold. They are created. Futures are created by what people do and don't do.
Tendencies and likelihoods can be predicted with numerology. But generally not certainties with meticulous details.
What Does My Future Hold? is a wonderful guide to predicting the future with numerology.
None of your major numerology cycle numbers are changing for another 8 years. Realizing the term "near future" is subjective, I nevertheless assume it is further into the future than you had in mind.
The personal year cycles I think is more applicable. Your personal year number represents certain energy that is likely to affect the types of events and circumstances that tend to be attracted to your life during the calendar year.
The personal month cycle might also help. And maybe the personal day calendar, which presents the day-by-day energy to show their cyclic nature.
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