Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Meaning of Yearly Cycles
How does [current year] and the coming years look for me? My name originally was [name removed] however it was later changed to [name removed]. Please do not publish my name. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yearly and other cyclic changes are calculated from the birth date.
Numerology calculations from a person's name generally relate to the makeup of the individual, their personality, desires, destiny, and so forth. Numerology calculations from birth dates generally relate to events and cirucmstances the individual is likely to experience or to somehow be involved in.
Calculations from the name don't change unless the name is changed. When a name is changed, the energy represented by the birth name will remain with the individual. The new name adds energy; it doesn't replace. The amount of energy the new name adds depends on how much the individual identifies with it.
Yearly changes are interpreted as the personal year. Every year, that number changes. Beginning about mid-October, the energy represented by the number of the next year's personal year starts being present. Its energy becomes stronger until about mid-January, when it's influence is full.
This year, yours is the personal year 8. Next year it's personal year 9. You're probably sensing the energy represented by the 9 very much already, as it's now near the end of December.
The personal year calculator can be used to find your personal year numbers. The calculated results has links to meanings of the numbers.
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