Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Know About My Future Because Life Is Now a Mess

I really want to know about my future because everything in my life now a mess.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
First, let me state that the future is not along a predetermined and irrefutable path. Our futures are how we make them, the result of what we do and don't do today.
A numerology chart can reveal likelihoods and tendencies that can affect a person's actions. Free will always prevails, though, because the numerology energies are a subtle nudge, not forceful at all.
Your destiny number is the number 1. It represents energy that resonates with independence and self-reliance. Being prevented, or feeling as if one is prevented, from doing the things you want to do can be frustrating. A future where you have more control may be envisioned and pursued.
Your heart's desire number, the number 8, represents energy related to being in charge of projects, business, and other activities related to both material accumulation and benefit of society. Because it is a heart's desire and the energy will be with you always, a sense or feeling of not being in full control may persist — whether or not it is the actual situation.
Those two aspects of your core numbers are most likely to contribute to the feeling that your life is a mess. Regardless what your life is, the energy of both aspects can be worked with or aligned with to accomplish the actions needed for the future you prefer.
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