Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes

Is Starting a Complete New Life Happening Soon?

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Is starting a complete new life going to happen for me soon, including new residence, new romantic relationship & career?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I'll point out two cycle changes in your numerology chart that generally indicate changes. Although types of changes can be gleaned from the interpretations, what the specific changes may be is not revealed with numerology.

Your pinnacle cycle changes around your 50th birthday, just a few years from now. The change is from the number 5, a number that represents, among other things, a tendency to express your sense of personal freedom to the number 3, a number that represents creative expression (again among other things).

The number 5 and the number 3 are highly compatible. Therefore, the changes probably won't be dramatic; but could be because both of those numbers are quite amenable to change.

The other cycle change I want to mention is your life period cycle. That cycle number will change around your 60th birthday. That one is more likely to come with a dramatic change.

Your current life period cycle is represented by the energy of the number 1, energy that resonates with self-determinism, independence, and self-reliance. Your next life period cycle is represented by the energy of the number 2, energy that resonates with relationships, coexisting, and teamwork.

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