Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes

Is 7 Unlucky for Me?

To know if a certain no. is unlucky. I am a life path no. 5 and my destiny no. is 8. I want to know if no. 7 is unlucky for me. Of late I have had bad experience with no. 7 people (birthdate). My house no. adds up to 7 and so does the street no. Should I change my residence?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 7 is one of your challenge numbers. With both the overlapped and delineated calculation methods, the result says the influence of the energy represented by the number 7 comes into effect during the year of your 31st birthday.

The number 7 energy is practically absent from your numerology chart. Unfamiliarity with the number may make it appear to be unlucky.

What you do is of course your decision.

Something to consider, before making a life-changing decision, is that experiencing exposure to the 7 energy now, and becoming familiar with it, may make the challenge period easier.

(The secret to experiencing the easiest of all challenge period is to accept that it is what it is and work with it, learn what one can of it, so there's little or no personal resistance.)

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