Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Influence By the Midas Touch
I have been told that today I am in the period which I will be influenced by the Midas Touch. I would like to know what this means and how this will affect my life. I would also like to know how I can use this to my advantage in my life.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, I don't know of any numerlogy calculations to determine whether or not someone has the Midas Touch or is in a period where they are influenced by the Midas Touch. Consider asking your questions of the person who told you. They're in a better position to answer than I am.
In numerology, the closest number I know of that, depending on the chart position or events, might be interpreted by someone as representing a Midas Touch is the number 8. It is a material number, often associated with business and things related to business, such as money, legalities, building great works, managing people on projects, and material accumulation.
Your destiny number, your current pinnacle cycle number and, in about 24 years, your power number are all represented by the number 8.
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