Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Going Through a Transition Period in My Life
I've been going through a transition period in my life, and I'm right in the middle. Friends are shifting, my social life is changing, and I feel this need to move on. I have somewhat a good idea of where I need to be going, but I'm just not convinced its going to be something that will help me leave my mark in the world. I feel as if I'm supposed to create something important and be something of a Steve Jobs figure. Is there any indication of this starting soon for me? Also, this girl I love, we got into a fight and haven't spoken in 5 months, I chose awhile back to let go of her so I can move on, but recently she has tried to reach me, she has always felt like someone I could consider a soulmate, but I just think its too soon, and even though she's moved on, I can't. What should I do?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Of course I won't tell you what you should do. But I can point to this article: How Major Personal Numerology Cycles Affect Your Life.
The information in the article and the pages the article links to will provide a lot of insight. Because free will always takes precedence, the insight will be of tendencies or likelihoods, not of predestination.
Both your current life period and pinnacle cycles are the number 6, a number of home and family.
At age 30, both of the cycle numbers will change. The pinnacle will be the number 1 (independence, self-reliance) and the life period will be the number 9 (broad perspective, humanitarianism). The changes those cycles are likely to bring may be part of what you sense.
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