Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Crossing Paths With Certain Events
During this time period of my life, will I cross paths with events that lead to the gain of financial independence or the meeting of finding love in my life so I may aquire the security in finally having a least one of the wishes I desire in my heart?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology uses name and birth date information to calculate tendencies and likelihoods. Revelation of predestined events is outside its realm of activity; there are no dependable numerology calculations for that.
Perhaps knowing a bit about the energies represented by the numbers in your numerology chart would be of help. (Do follow the links for more information. What I put in this response to your question is only a tiny fraction of what's available.)
Your destiny and your life path numbers are both the number 1. It means the person you are and the events in your life both resonate with independence and self-sufficiency.
The heart's desire number, the number 3, tells me you desire to express yourself creatively. And the personality number, the number 7, tells me you are both analytical and spiritual and that you tend to look for answers within.
The number 1 is a number of self-sufficiency and self-determination. But the number 2 is a relationship number, and your first two pinnacle cycles are the number 2. And your power number, which gains its energy in about eleven years and remains with you the rest of your life, is also the number 2.
The number 8 is a business and material accumulation number (money and things). Your first life period cycle, which ended two years ago, was the number 8. Your third life period cycle, which starts in approximately 15 years, is also the number 8.
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