Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Being on 'Pause Mode'
Hi, my name is [name removed] born on [birth date removed]. it's literally like if I've been put on ''pause mode'' for all my life and instantly got awakened on July 20th. i saw couple times these digits :0123 since then and with the Era of Aquarius and the 3rd of August full moon was also in Aquarius! could you please enlighten me on that one?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Perhaps an astrologer can help you with the non-numerology aspects of your question.
Numerology can help with interpretation of numerology energy that numbers represent. Tap here for number 0123.
Numerology can also help by interpreting the energy represented by the various cycles a person moves through as they live life. Your second life period began this year, changing from the number 1 to the number 5. Read this article about life periods. That may have had an effect on what you refer to as "got awakened".
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