Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family
Two Opposite Sisters With Same Personality Number

My sister's name: [name removed] DOB: [date removed] Hello! Me and my sister are total opposites by personality and appearance. What amazes me, is that our personality numbers are the same (both should be 2s). 2 doesn't describe neither of us really, but I think 2 is more like me. My sister is really loud, doesn't care what people think of her, is very confident, likes fun, laughing and being around people etc. I'm more quiet and shy, I like to do stuff on my own and try to have more pleasing, nice and peaceful appearance. I also appreciate art and reading more than her. I'm somewhat a dreamer, but she hates fantasy and likes real life action. I could find tons of differences :D Anyways, I wanted to ask, why is our personality number the same although we express ourselves to others so differently? Is it because we are still young and developing? Or do other numbers affect that? Something else? Thank you in advance. K.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology is a practice used to determine and interpret the energies represented by the individual positions of a numerology chart.
The energies are not demanding. They do not insist on being expressed. Instead, they are subtle and, sometimes, can be experienced as low-level nudges.
Free will always prevails.
Two people with the same name and birth date numbers would be different people. They have different experiences. Their free will determines different directions. They have their own individual goals.
The chart position numbers of a person's chart, especially the core positions, almost always influence the energy represented by other chart positions. The cross-position influence is especially likely for two or more chart positions that have been calculated as having the same number. In other words, there is a bit of mingling of influence among the chart energies.
But most of the differences are simply life experience and free will. The numerology energy is present, but not demanding.
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