Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family
Two Daughters, Similar Birth Dates
I have two daughters! My eldest was born on 11/7/98 younger was born on 7/11/08! What is the symbolic meaning for this?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The symbolic meaning of the two dates of birth would depend on what symbols are assigned to them. Numerology doesn't use symbols other than numbers with which to calculate and with which to determine likelihoods and tendencies.
One correlation I see with your numerology chart is the births were 10 years apart. The destiny number of the name you provided with the question calculates to the number 10 (a tendency to be self-sufficient and doing things your own way).
I see the numbers 7 and 11 nowhere in any major positions of your numerology chart.
Although your daughters have the numbers 7 and 11 in common in their birth dates, their experiences will be quite different. The month number is the number of the first life cycle and the day number is the number of the second life cycle. Each of the first two life cycles last for 28-36 years, the duration determined by all numbers of the birth date, including the 4-digit year.
Thus, one of your daughters will begin with an 2 life cycle (the number 11 is reduced to 2 (1+1=2) for life cycle readings) and the other with a 7 life cycle. At the end of the first cycle and beginning of the second cycle for the oldest, there will be a 1- to 9-year overlap where both experience the same cycle number.
Within a first cycle, the 2 tends to be sensitive and understanding. But also somewhat timid or shy. As a second cycle, the 2 tends to build friendships and partnerships, and develop artistic or psychological skills.
Within a first cycle, the 7 tends have difficulty as a young person unable to feel normal. Feeling close to family may be difficult. This is because the 7 demands finding answers within, yet the person has not had enough life experience to accumulate wisdom. As a second cycle, the 7 gravitates to fields requiring research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits, and tends to attract people with specialized knowledge.
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