Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family
The Kid's Dad
A lot of people say me and my kids dad will get together again, but I don't want that. But we have been back and forth since I was 16, and I will be 22 in December. I wonder, why, what, where? And- are we star crossed or something? His name is [name removed], born [date removed]. Hope that's enough info. Thanks for reading and answering me!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Both your name number and your birth date number are the same, the number 6. In numerology, the number 6 relates to family, harmony, and idealism.
You have the wherewithal to make up your own mind and live the way you decide. You're not required to get together with anyone you don't want to.
Realize that other people don't live your life. Regardless what they say, regardless how forceful or how loud or with how much certainty they say the words they say, those people still aren't the ones living your life. Talk doesn't change the fact.
The person who lives the life is the person who has to make the decisions and do the actions that result in accomplishing whatever goals the person has.
The person that lives your life is you. It is you who has to make the decisions and do the things that make your life the way you want it to be.
The 6 is a powerful number for things related to the home and family and personal beliefs and ideas of how things should be. Know that. It's in you. It will support you if you let it. You let it by acknowledging its existence and openly inviting its influence without judgment of it or of yourself.
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