Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family
The Best Time to Get Pregnant
I wanna know when is the best time for me to get pregnant as soon as possible. I was born [birth date omitted] in Jerusalem/Israel. Also my husband born [birth date omitted] also in Jerusalem. Thx in advance. Also I wanna ask if our names are compatible. My name is [name omitted] and he is [name omitted]
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The date of birth is more important than the date pregnancy is started.
Because the gestation period can vary, the actual date of birth generally is not controllable. However, the month of birth may be controlled.
Time your pregnancy for a birth in the middle of the month of your choice. Aiming for the middle of the month provides many days of leeway for early or late birth and still be in the desired month.
The month of birth affects the first 24-33 years of the child's life (the exact number of years depends also on the the day and year of birth). The first Life Periods cycle is based on the month of birth.
Other numbers affect the child and young adult. But the first Life Period cycle usually can be predetermined.
January and October births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 1. The child and young adult is likely to express independence and be persistent about it. It is a good number for investigation, exploration, and leadership.
February births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 2. Development is slow but steady. Interaction with others and teamwork is needed. As an older child or young adult, talents for diplomacy and persuasion are likely to manifest. Partnerships are important.
March and December births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 3. Self expression and artistic ability are likely to manifest early. Writing, dance, or acting are most likely. Other artistic ability may manifest, such as painting, music, or architecture. Social interaction is generally easier than with other numbers.
April births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 4. Paying attention to details and the inclination to work long and hard for wanted results are likely traits. There is an early focus on building a foundation for the future.
May births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 5. This Life Period cycle number urge the child and young adult to express personal freedom. The person is full of ideas, new ideas constantly. Expect the child to try out many ideas, suddenly abandoning the current idea when a new idea emerges.
June births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 6. Family and harmony in the home are important. Compromise is easier than some other numbers. There may be talent for healing. Commitments are generally taken seriously beginning early on.
July births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 7. There is a tendency to think deeply, look inward for answers, and to be disappointed when situations or others are less than what is imagined to be perfection. The person is likely to be highly intelligent and be attracted to the fields of technology and of philosophy.
August births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 8. The child and young adult desires to be in control of his or her own life. Attention is early on career and financial reward. Organizing and managing are likely talents.
September births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 9. Acting and other creative talent is likely. Tolerance and acceptance of others and their differences. Ethics is a subject easily grasped. Expect humanitarian actions to be pursued by the older child and young adult.
November births begin with numerology Life Period cycle number 11. The child and young adult is likely to be highly spiritual and philosophical, often expressing spiritual concepts he or she has conceived or understood from others. The practical aspects of life and living may take second place to spiritual activities.
For the compatibility aspect of your question, see the Marriage Compatibility Calculator page.
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