Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family

The Best Name Number

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Which is the best name number?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There was a birth date with your question. I assume the name question is related to a baby with that date, although it wasn't stated as such.

Whether a name for a newborn or a name for a name change, and for any birth date, the best or suitable name is a name that matches what you want to experience and achieve in life.

For babies and children who are unlikely to be able to describe what they want, the parents will need to make assumptions.

The first step to determining a suitable name is to determine what number (or two numbers) are the best from a list of choices. You'll find the choices at the About Numerology Number Meanings web page. The page is designed to assist people with determining the best name number or numbers (maximum 2 numbers).

When that is determined, go to the Best Name Finder numerology tool.

At that tool, provide the one or two numbers you determined for the name. Then, type or paste in all the names that you are considering and that would be acceptable.

The Best Name Finder can then calculate each of the names you provided and let you know which is the best according to the number or numbers you provided.

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