Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family
Repetitive Life Path Numbers in Family Member Charts
Hi my birthday is [date removed]. I am an 11. I have led a difficult and painful life however I am grateful for the experiences because it has made me who I am.... a survivor. I am a single mom with 6 amazing children (who I am watching turn into amazing respectable adults). They are my only family left. My mother, my father, and my only little brother have all passed away, My mom and dad to illness years ago and in 2012 on Christmas day I lost my 18 year old little brother tragically. I recently discovered my Mother was an 11. She was so spiritually intoned it was incredible speaking to her. But what really caught me off guard was when I discovered my dad was also an 11. He was a little more on the psychotic unstable side, but an 11 none the less. My social security number is (no I'm not crazy for telling you lol I just need answers) is [social security number removed]. My children's life path numbers in order are 565556. My little brother was also a 5, and as I calculated the important people who have made an impact on me throughout all the different chapters of my life I realized they are all 5s with a few exceptions of a 9 here or there. Am I crazy? Is there some significance there that I'm missing? My whole life I've know I was different. People always have told me I carry a contagious energy that can light up an entire room just with my presence. I learn very quickly and I feel things very deeply. I don't even have a high school diploma but I have an IQ of 144. I have very detailed plans on ways to start helping communities by providing hourly jobs to help reestablish some of these families that have been economically broken. I am a very successful business owner but like I said all I have is my children and I feel so alone... Can you possibly give me some kind of insight. By the way my name is [name removed]. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The traditional Pythagorean numerology practice has calculations related to individual numerology charts. Compatibilities between certain aspects of individual charts can be calculated.
But the numerology has no calculations to address synchronous or repetitive numbers across several charts. Nor does it have calculations about subjective or personal reasons for certain numbers in the results of the calculations. I'm sorry about that, as it seems most of your question is somehow related to those considerations.
The Social Security Numbers article might be consulted for questions about the energies related to your social security number.
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