Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family

Numerologically Correct Baby Name

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Please tell me if name of my baby is numerologically correct?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

What is correct depends on which numerology energies you want the name to represent.

The name you provided with your question has a name number 7, a number that represents, among other things, introspection, studiousness, and problem solving. The name number is called the destiny number.

There are also two other major name numbers.

For the name you provided, the personality number is the number 4, a number representing energy that includes resonance with focus, security, and pragmatism. And the heart's desire number is the number 3, a number representing energy that includes creative self-expression and adept social interaction.

If those are what you prefer for your baby, then the name is numerologically correct.

If you wish, you may use the baby name selection tool, although it's database contains mostly Western names.

For non-Western names that you provide, the Best Name Finder may be of use. The page has instructions about how to determine your preferred numbers. Then you give the calculator a list of names that are suitable for you. The calculator responds with the best name according to the number or numbers you specified.

In case it is pertinent for your selection of a name, your baby's life path number (calculated from the birth date) is the number 5, a number representing energy with resonance including expression of a personal sense of freedom.

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