Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family

Name for My Baby

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Name for my baby. Husband name [identity removed]. Got pregnant in January 2018. Baby gender and name by numerology of his birth date, my pregnancy date, and mine and my husband's names.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

Here is one way to determine a name for your child:

  1. Read How to Use the Baby Name Selection Tool for important information about the baby name selection tool.

  2. Use the Baby Name Selection Tool to help you determine a name for your baby.

The baby name selection tool's current dictionary of names is biased to Western society.

If you prefer not to name your child with a Western name, here is another way to determine an acceptable name for your child:

  1. Decide what characteristics you want your child to have. Write them down.

  2. Determine what name numbers best describe those characteristics.

  3. Write down a list of names that are acceptable to you for your child.

  4. Read about how to calculate the major name numbers. Then, get the major name numbers for each of the names you wrote down.

  5. Determine which name's numbers best match the numbers for your preferred characteristics.

I understand you didn't ask for help or for information about how to determine your baby's name. Yet, that's what I can do.

For personal consultations, it is prudent to find a professional and competent numerologist who lives near you and knows what names are and are not acceptable within your society.

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