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Name for Baby Boy

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My boy baby was born on [date removed]. Should I find name number including initial total and the destiny number be same or the birth number i.e 1+6=7, this 7 number and the name number should be same? pls clarify.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

For full numerology readings, the name at birth provided for the reading should include the family name. Use the entire name. Include any initial if the initial is the way the name is spelled on the official certificate; otherwise specify the name the initial represents. See Your Name for Numerology Readings for more information about that.

If you are concerned about compatibility, the A Birth Date Compatible Baby Name page has information that may help.

If the destiny number and the life path number are the same, then the energy represented by that number is enhanced. If the destiny and life path numbers are different, then the energy represented by both of the numbers tends to be strong for the child.

It depends on what you want for your child — extra strong in relation to one number or strong for the energy of two numbers.

If you wish assistance, the Baby Name Selection Tool may be used. It has mostly Western names in its database. If those names are not suitable, the Best Name Finder may be used.

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