Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family
Chances of Birth Date to Match Co-op Number
My mum had a store number when I was a young girl. I had to say this number every time we made a purchase at the Co-op 29988. My first child was born on 29/9/1988. What are the chances of this?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology is primarily a means to determine the energy represented by certain calculated numerical results. As such, there is no reliable method within the practice to determine the chances of certain things happening.
But there are some things that can be said that might help.
As you'll notice when you click the links, the number 29988 and the number 2991988 represent energies with different meanings. Although the store number can correlate with the birth date, the actual numbers of the birth date are different than the store number.
But you didn't ask about meanings, just the chances.
On the surface, it seems like the chances are astronomically low, highly unlikely.
Thinking about it, though, the chances seem higher.
If you determined before you were pregnant that you wanted a child born on a date represented by your store number, it is in the realm of possibility that it could have been made to happen.
On the other hand, if there was no such pre-decision, then once the birth date of your child was known and you had the leisure to think about it, it was fairly easy to find something that correlates with the date.
In your case, it was the store number.
For a different date, it might have been a relative's birth date, a marriage date, the serial number of a bank note in your hand, a cell phone number, the time on the clock when you looked up, or something else you found that correlates with the date.
There is a nearly 100% chance that a person will find something to correlate with a certain date (or other number) when they actively look for it. There is also a good chance that random observation will eventually notice something that correlates with the date.
Although the date correlating with what was found is 100% certain, it's the other way around (what was found matching the date) that seems to be an astoundingly low chance.
It depends on the conclusion one makes.
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