Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family

Ami is my son.


My son's name is ________. He is called Ami or Amit.

He has exordinary passion, interest towards animals and their welfare.

Is there any link to his name and Numerology number? What's his life direction? Also, do you suggest any spelling change in his name to vibrate with his DOB?


Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your son's name is perfect.

The distribution of the numerical vibrations of the letters of his name are as balanced as any I've seen in a long time.

His heart's desire (number 1) is to explore, to investigate, to learn, and to be a leader. This may be some of where his aptitude with animals comes from. The total name number 2 is a wonderful balance, providing the aptitude to work as a team member when the goals of the team are also his own, and also has native skills related to diplomacy.

His birthday number 4 means he is practical and reliable, and can put order in his own and other's lives. He has the ability to pay attention to details, to build a foundation for the future, and to achieve steady personal growth.

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