Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family

10:13 Almost Every Day

I was born on October 13. I was adopted by my parents 3 days later. My adoptive father b.1938 and his mother b.1912 also had the same birthday as me. Now, my daughter b.1998 also shares the same birthday. So, we have 4 generations born on 10/13. Lately, almost every day, I look at the clock at 10:13 AM and again at 10:13 PM. I am trying to figure out the significance of this.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Four individuals with identical birth month and day, in four generations, is indeed unusual, especially if there were few siblings. (The more individuals that are involved, the more likely two or more have the same birth month and day.)

With your conscious attention on the fact of four individuals in four generations having the same birth days, and wondering about the significance, it's expected that your attention would be directed to occurrences of those numbers when they exist in your environment. People tend to notice things related to current personal mysteries.

The number 10, among other things, is a leader and a starter. The number 13 is a number of methodically getting things done. When they exist together, however, they're likely to do things on a whim to express a sense of freedom.

It's likely each of the four individuals often (or persistently) expressed their personal sense of freedom at least during the first thirty years of their lives, if not longer — the period of their first pinnacle cycle.

As for the significance, it may be no more than a synchronistic set of circumstances. Or, it might contain much more personal significance for you personally.

Numerology is a great tool to determine tendencies and likelihoods as represented by associated numbers. But for determining significance of events, not so much. Perhaps one or more of the articles in the index to repetitively seeing certain numbers will provide information to help you find your answers.

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