Numerology Answers > Non-English Alphabets
Russian Names
How do you figure out Russian names?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Write out the letters of the Russian alphabet, from first to last, in rows of nine letters each.
Above each column, write a number. The first column on the left is number 1. The next is number 2, and so forth, with the last column on the right being number 9.
Each letter under the "1" column has the value 1. Under the "2" column the value 2, and so forth.
As an example, here is that table with English letters:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Now, write out the Russian name you're calculating for.
Above each vowel letter (the letters, when vocalized in the name, have the sound of a vowel) of the Russian name, write the number of the letter according to the rows and columns of letters you created above.
Below each consonant letter (the letters, when vocalized in the name, have the sound of a consonant) of the Russian name, write the number of the letter of each consonant.
Next, add all the vowel numbers together and write it at the right end of the row of vowel numbers above the name. If the total contains two or more digits, add those digits together. Repeat that procedure until the answer is reduced to one digit. That digit represents the vibratory value of the aggregate of vowels in the name.
Example: If you the first total is 39, the calculation would be 39=12, then 1+2=3. In this case, 3 would be the vibratory value of the vowels.
Add the consonants in the same way to determine the vibratory value of the aggregate of consonants in the name.
(The two numbers, vowel and consonant, can be added together and reduced to a single digit to represent the vibratory value of the aggregate of all letters in the name.)
Here is an example of an English name calculated as above:
Vowels: 175 5 51 7 = 31=4 Name: Ayebe Seady Consonants: 2 1 4 = 7 Total: 11=2
Once you have the vowel number and the consonant number, you can use this free readings form at this site to obtain readings.
To get the readings, create a sequence of English letters that have the same vowel and consonant value as that of the Russian name. Then type that series of letters in to the "name" field of the numerology form in lieu of the Russian name.
The professional numerology numbers calculator can help to verify that the sequence of English letters you created does indeed have the same numerical value as the Russian name.
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