Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Which Name and Birth Date is Right?
Sir my name is [name removed] but actually my name was when I born it was [name removed] but when I enterd in school my name was changed to [name removed]. Sir, my problem is my original DOB is [date removed] but my father written [date removed] while he is entering my name in school. And I am always everywhere using the [date removed]. Is it right for my life or career? Sir, pls answer fast. And sorry about bad English because I am learning English. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
For numerology charts, use your actual birth date and your actual birth name.
A person's name is always right for their life. It is the person that makes the life, not the life that makes the person and not the name that makes the life. It is the person's actions and attitudes and ideas that make the person's life.
A career is right when it is something you want to do and it provides for your needs. The career suggestions tool may be used for ideas.
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