Numerology Answers > Name Changes

What Letter to Add for Name Change

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Does my name suit me? If I had to make some changes in the name, then what would be the changes and what letter should I add more to it?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

A name change is not a trivial undertaking. While it's relatively easy to change your name, it can have a long term effect, probably your entire life.

The energy represented by your birth name is with you your entire life. It may lessen in force, but it never entirely goes away.

New names add to the birth name energy, perhaps adding traits. And perhaps enhancing some traits and lessening others.

Therefore, it's prudent to determine exactly why you want to change your name. Then determine what about your current name does not provide the energy you're looking for.

Determine what traits you want that aren't currently provided by your birth name. Or traits in your current name you want enhanced or lessened.

When that is done, you're ready to determine a new name.

Use the interactive Characteristics to Consider for Name Change page to determine the numbers for your new name.

Then, use the Name Change Tool with various names you have in mind to see the relative strengths of the birth and new name numbers.

It may be easier to determine a new name after using those two calculators.

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