Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Turning Over a New Leaf
I want to change my name as I am turning over a new leaf. What should I change my name to? I need something that speaks character. Something that is not outrageous but unique?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
What a good new name is depends on what you want. Do you want more or less creativity, more or less ability to focus, expression of personal freedom, relationship comfort, home and family comfort, material acquisition, identifying with humanity as a whole?
There are a lot of determinations to make. Some traits aren't compatible with other traits — ability to focus and the expression of freedom is an example.
The birth name energies will never leave you. So the first step is to see what you have now, then determine what you want more of, what you prefer less of, and what new energies you would like to bring in. Only after that is done is it the time to determine what the name will be.
Compromises may be required because it's impossible to get all good aspects as prominent energies. Expect to have to make decisions regarding what you want most.
Your life path number, calculated from your birth date as entered with your question, is the number 1. So you have independence and self-reliance energy with you. Unless you wish to enhance that energy, it's not required in a new name. A reason to consider enhancing the energy represented by the number 1 is because the number 1 is one of your challenges. However, being the life path number is likely to be sufficient to offset the challenge energy. Unless there are no other energies that are desired more, the number 1 energy is probably sufficient as it is.
Read the articles linked from the name change index page. You'll find pertinent information.
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