Numerology Answers > Name Changes

The First Name That is Better With the Present Last Name

Image for 'The First Name That is Better With the Present Last Name' numerology answer

I am changing my first name to, [name removed] or [name removed]. One has a master number #22, the other reduces to #3. My present last name is [name removed]. Which [name removed] or [name removed] as a first name would go better with my present last name?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It truly depends on what you prefer. Do you prefer a master number 22 or do you prefer a number 3. The idea of which is better is subjective. Only you can make that decision.

If you are looking for better numerology number compatibility between the first name and the last name, the compatible and incompatible numbers article has a table where you can determine compatibility. (Reduce master numbers to their single-digit equivalent when using the table.)

If you are looking for major name numbers representing energy that you consider better for yourself, the calculating major name numbers tool can be used. The readings available with the tool can be a preliminary guide to which of several names is better.

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