Numerology Answers > Name Changes

The Best Name Number for Certain Birth Date

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What is the best name number for the person born on Day no. 8 and life path 1?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The best name number is the number that represents the energy you most want to live with and be influenced by.

The name number (called the destiny number at this website) represents energy that influences your personal characteristics, your outlook on life, the individual person you know yourself to be.

The birth date numbers relate more to events and circumstances than they describe the person.

There is some overlap because the destiny number influences how life events and circumstances are approached or dealt with. It still comes down to what you most prefer for a name number. What type of person do you want numerology energies to nudge you toward?

The destiny energy provides a gentle but persistent nudge to help you become more like the ideas the energy resonates with. But you don't need to comply with the nudge because you have free will.

The Best Name Finder can help you find the best name.

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