Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Suitable Name to Enter Film Industry
I want to enter film industry. Does my name suit for that? If not, please suggest a good name.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In some countries, it's acceptable to have a professional name without also changing one's personal name. Author's pen names, for example, and actor's names.
The professional name that suits the film industry depends on what role you wish to assume.
If it's a creative role, which most roles in the film industry would be, then it would be good if one of the major name numbers is the number 3, the most creative number.
If it's an administrative role, like accounting, then a number 4 would be good. If sales or distribution, than a number 5.
Your current name has a number 5 as one of its major name numbers, but no 3 or 4.
How to Choose a Professional Name can help you with choosing a name for the role in the film industry that you most desire.
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