Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Suggest a Balanced Name for Me
Please suggest a balanced name for me. I'm an Indian. So please suggest a name keeping that in mind.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I am unprepared to do that. You know which names you would like and which you would not like.
Find a list of Indian names in your country and, from that, make your own list of acceptable names that you would be comfortable being. (Yes, for the numerology energy represented by a new name to be significantly effective, you will need to be the name — as in "I am _______" — for months, perhaps years.)
When you have your list of acceptable names, use the Best Name Finder tool to help you select the best name according to one or two traits you select. The page with the tool has links where you can determine which trait or traits you most want in a new name.
When you have selected a name with the help of the Best Name Finder, the name will have balance with the character trait you specified as your preference.
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