Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Suggest Name Correction
Facing lot of up and downs, no consistency in job and career, not finding opportunities to grow. If I want to start any business or planning to learn new things facing lot of problems and hurdles in the beginning step itself. So kindly requesting you suggest name correction or name matches to my date of birth. Thank you in advance.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Contrary to what one might intuitively assume to be the case, and contrary to what's implied by some people, a name change won't make problems go away.
The problems will remain. And the new name may even bring its own problems so you end up with more problems than you had before.
A name change can be good for professional reasons or for personal preference, if done with intelligence, having in mind to gain something rather than to get rid of something. Changing a name to escape problems doesn't work.
The reason is because the birth name's essence and energy is always present.
If a house is imagined to represent a person's life, the birth name can be imagined to represent the house's foundation. Name changes merely repaint the house, or perhaps remodel it if it's a drastic name change. However, a name change won't change the foundation. The foundation will always be there, representing the birth name.
The foundational name, the birth name, is always present no matter how many times a name is changed. More information can be found in the name change articles.
Your name number 11 tells me you are spiritually oriented. Also that you teach, perhaps by example or perhaps in a more formal setting. The meaning of the number 11 has other nuances you may wish to read about.
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