Numerology Answers > Name Changes
A Successful Name Change
I love your site. I used someone who helped me pick my new name [name removed] which she said is now a 19/10/1. Not sure what that reduces to. My old/birth name was [name removed] which equaled a 25 she said. My birth name is [name removed] but I guess she left the "charles" out since I never used that when meeting someone. I am confused about the end number of my new legally changed name of DiGianni. I may want a reading from you if you don't mind on my new name. I have struggled with money my whole life and would love for my new name to have a profound impact on my finances. P.S. DiGianni is actually my heritage last name. We found out after my grandfather died a few years ago. I changed my name a little over a year and a half ago. I look forward to your response.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Congratulations on reconnecting to your heritage with your name change. What a wonderful, positive reason to change one's name.
My calculation results are different than those obtained by your numerologist. She may be using Kabbalah or Chaldean numerology rather than Pythagorean, which I use.
Note that all the numbers I refer to in this response have separate pages describing their essence, their base meaning.
Your life path number 9 (calculated from your birthdate) tells me events and circumstances in your life often seem to solicit compassion and tolerance. With a 9 life path, philanthropic opportunities abound. As do opportunities to express your ideals and your humanitarianism.
The destiny number of your birth name is the number 5.
It tells me you are, or were until recently, inclined to express your sense of personal freedom by pursuing interests that tended to changed from time to time, and often following your whim. This happy-go-lucky approach to experiencing life, combined with the philanthropic opportunities your life path provides, may have been a factor in the struggle with money.
The numbers in a person's numerology chart by themselves can't provide or withhold success or money or satisfaction. The individual's actions determine those things.
However, numerology can reveal certain tendencies or likelihoods — which the individual can then choose to either (a) ignore or (b) to empower or weaken the energies by actively supporting or negating them. The An Edge With Numerology article may be interesting for you.
The destiny number of your new name is the number 7.
The 7 resonates with 5, but lacks the 5's tendency to shift interest on whim. Instead, 7 tends to analyze things before taking action. It also tends to consult its inner wisdom for answers.
In that sense, by thinking things through before taking advantage of the philanthropic opportunities your life path brings you, your new name supports your quest for an easier relationship with money. In other words, there's less tendency to give money away to just any cause; things tend to be more reasoned before funds are transferred.
The heart's desire number 6 of your birth name also tended to push you toward nurturing those in need, with friendship if funds weren't unavailable.
The number 8 represents energy which resonates with money, business, and material acquisition.
Your birth name's personality was an 8.
Your new name's personality number also is an 8, as is it's heart's desire number.
The major number changes from birth name to new name, then, were:
Chart position | Birth name | New name |
Destiny | 5 | 7 |
Heart's desire | 6 | 8 |
Personality | 8 | 8 |
The new name is much more acceptable of financial ease than the birth name is.
However, money won't come all by itself. It will require your action to make it happen.
Something to be aware of: The energies of your birth name will always be with you. Also, the more you identify with your new name, the stronger the energies of your new name.
As the energies of your new name become stronger, the energies of your birth name become less effective. The more you spontaneously think of your new name before you think of your birth name, the more you have identified with your new name.
We're not in business for doing one-on-one readings, but we do have a business relationship with the 123 numerology people, who we refer our people to. 123 numerology does a wonderful job of providing full, complete readings — much, much more in depth than any free readings I'm aware of available anywhere.
I think a complete reading for your new name would be very good for you to have at hand. Click here to get the complete numerology reading. Perhaps also for your birth name if you want to compare characteristics.
Although we don't do one-on-one readings, I'm willing to continue our conversation. Use the "Contact" link near the bottom of this page.
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