Numerology Answers > Name Changes
So Many Different Names
My first name was [name removed]. In 1984, my name was changed to [name removed]. Now at my family I am known as [name removed] and at work place known as [name removed]. Please suggest me is there any change needed in spelling of my name? Which numbers are favorable and which are against for love, money, etc.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With so many different names and name changes, the pull of them all in perhaps different directions is likely to cause feelings of confusion.
Name changes add elements to a person's numerology profile. They don't remove the old elements. The essence of the previous name or names are still with the person.
When someone with many name changes identifies themself as only one of the names (assumes that individual name is who they are), then the essence of the chosen name begins to have priority in conflicts. As time goes along, the chosen name gets stronger and stronger and the essence of the other names correspondingly weaker.
But it takes time. How much time depends on how much the person identifies themself as only the one name.
When the name is identified with completely, meaning it's an official and legal name, the person sees themself as it being their one and only name, and nobody addresses the person with any of the other names, then the energy shift can be relatively rapid.
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