Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Pseudonym For a Writer
As a writer I want to use this pseudonym: katyayani chowdhry. Will it help my dormant career? Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It may help. It's a good name for a writer according to the pseudonym's numerology chart.
Still, resurrecting a career does take action, you know. Action on your part. A name may resonate with the things a person desires, making actions easier or more effective. But the name won't do the actions for you.
The pseudonym katyayani chowdhry has a heart's desire number 3, the same number as your life path. The number 3 is an excellent number for a writer. The heart's desire number being the same as the life path number, they tend to support and enhance each other.
The pseudonym's personality number is the same as your birth name's personality number 1. Which is good, a connection in the right place — the numerology chart position having to do with how you present yourself to others.
The destiny number is 4. The number 4 in that chart position provides incentive to do the work required to establish a career. It won't do the work for you, but the energies the 4 represents may make it easier or more effective.
Numerologically, the pseudonym katyayani chowdhry is a good name for a writer.
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