Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Professional Name for Cinema Actor

My dream is to be an Cinema actor in KANNADA LANGUAGE. So presently I am acting in theater. Could you please suggest me a name which is good to grow in this field as per numerology? Or based on my date of birth can I get a success in this field?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

As you are aware, I'm certain, the birth date doesn't ensure or prevent success in any field. But your birth date number 6 is good for drama presented through any medium, including theater and cinema.

I can't help with the professional name spelling because I work exclusively with the English language. However, I'm certain numerology numbers can be calculated for names written with the Kannada language.

The page about the Russian language may be used as a start. In the instructions, substitute Russian with Kannada.

For a professional name as an actor in cinema, the number 3 is good. The numbers 9 and 5 area also good.

Those are good general numbers for cinema related to all movies.

Other name numbers are good for specialized types of movies. If you intend to focus on any one of the types of movies listed below, consider the associated number for a professional name number.

Adventure, high action films 5
Exploration or survival by a person alone 1
High tech 4
Comedy 5 & 3
Scientific investigation by a team 7
High finance/Corporations 8

Other types of movies would resonate with their own number, it being highly compatible with the movie type.

See the numerology number essence pages for a guide.

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