Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Professional Name for Artistic Career

Hi, I'm considering the change of my name to pursue a successful artistic career (acting or singing), everyone knows me as "[name removed]" (*do not publish my name), but I guess "[name removed]"* could be a better option. Should I change it or could this be a mistake? Is my current name a good choice?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The How to Choose a Professional Name article provides basic information for determining a name to associate with your career.

Your life path is the number 5, which is good for artistic careers that require interacting with the public.

Therefore, the number 3 would be good for your name.

To determine a professional name for an acting or singing career, consider giving yourself a name with one of the following characteristics:

~ A destiny number 3.

~ A personality number 3.

~ The letter "U" as the first vowel of the name.

~ The letter "C", "L", or "U" as the first letter of the name.

See the Calculating Numerology Name Numbers article for information about determining the destiny and personality numbers.

If your professional name has one of the above characteristics, it's likely to help your career.

The name by itself won't make you successful. That depends on what you do or don't do, the actions you take. But the name could tilt things in your favor, giving you a bit of an edge.

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