Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Perhaps Inappropriate Personal Name
Hi!! I have a life path number of 1. I quit my job to start my marketing consulting business and I am now at the beginning stages of a personal branding strategy for modeling, professional coaching and inspiring millennials to start businesses and grow their talents. Something in me feels like my name is not appropriate. I keep hesitating on moving forward as I've never really connected with my name because it is synonymous with mediocrity. I can't seem to find the block, this is just one avenue that I am trying to figure out a desirable direction. Thank you for your help!!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The life path number provided with the question calculates to the number 3, not 1. Perhaps a birthdate number was mistyped, causing your and my calculation results to differ.
Your open heart number, however, is the number 1. You're likely to be open about your desire and tendency to start things and to be self-sufficient and independent. The open heart number is calculated from your name.
Another number calculated from your name is your destiny number, which is the number 4. The number 4, among other things, prefers stability, predictability, and is willing to work hard to build a secure foundation for the future. Perhaps the 1s inclination to start things and the 4s need for a firm foundation is where the ambivalence is stemming from.
I don't associate mediocrity with your name. But you do. With that and never having really connected with your name, it may be appropriate to change it. At least have a look through the information linked from the name changes index page for an idea of what it may entail. If you can, consult with a professional numerologist with a good reputation that you can trust. There's much to consider.
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