Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Okay to Change My Name?

After searching I found this question already asked here. I was born [birth date removed] 12:05am life path 11 but i'm 38 now and I have a lot of life path 1 which is dec 24th. I told my mom the clock was 5 min fast. Also I WAS very good at getting work being self employed. From 2005 till 2017. So much to the point I was worried something was wrong with other people as to why they are not getting work....until 2019 December I came across numerology and it all make sense now....unfortunately I never seemed to be able to retain the money I made I was always bad luck with that and never was able to keep employees....and yes my life path says I'll be to detailed and get annoyed to fast. But I quit the business in 2017 only to fall ill and almost died and been bed ridden for 2 years now, basically almost homeless now. I did end up semi curing my self with knowledge I acquired when I was younger.....numerology also said I'll be a healer. And I plan on doing so. What am I doing wrong. I want to change or modify my name. I wanted to do so even before knowing about numerology. Please help [name removed]. [birth date removed] 12:05am as per birth paper. I want to change it to [name removed]
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If you are asking permission to change your name, understand that it is not my place to do so. It must be your choice.
With Pythagorean numerology, adding a letter "I" to a name does not change your three core name numbers. Chaldean or other numerology practices may calculate the name letters differently.
With Pythagorean numerology, you have five letters in your name that are calculated as the number 1, more than any other number for name letters. That would tend to bring 1-represented energy into your life. If you change your name by adding a letter "I", then you will also have five letters in your name that are calculated as the number 9.
Note that your first pinnacle cycle was the number 1, which also attracts 1 energy. That cycle number ended 3 years ago and the current cycle number is the number 8.
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