Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Numerology for My Name

Tell me the numerology for my name [name removed] — should I change my name from [name removed] to [name removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Replacing the letters "a" and "i" with the letters "e" and "e" has very little effect.
It will make no difference with any of your major name numbers. Because none of those letters are the first vowel of your name, it won't affect your open heart number.
The name letters distribution remains the same. In other words, no more or less missing numbers.
Your essence transit energy will be different beginning at year 2023. This is the most noticeable change according to my calculations. The essence transit energy generally is of less importance than the core numbers and cycles of longer than one year.
It is not possible for me to state whether or not you should change your name. There is a lack of information and, frankly, that is your decision.
Let me suggest that whether or not you should change your name depends on why you would want to change it in the first place. Part of your decision may be the results you see when the essence transits of both names are compared — then you can more readily see which you prefer.
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