Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Number To Change My Name To

What number should I change my name to? I need some advice about whether I should change my name number to a 1 or 11. I have the life path 7 number, and currently my Name number is 5. I want to change my name because I've never liked it, but I'm not sure which numbers are harmonious with the life path 7. I already have the influence of 3, 4, 5 and 9, so I don't need those numbers. 2, 6 and 8 are even numbers, and I've read that it's important to keep odd and even numbers separate. I've also seen it stated that it would be very beneficial to have a name number higher than a birth number. I don't want to create any disharmony, but I'm not sure whether the number 1 or 11 would be better for me? This is something I really need help with. Any reply would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The most important consideration about a name change for numerological reasons is that the new name resonates with the person you are or want to be.

If you already are the person you most want to be, then choose a name that resonates with the person you are. Otherwise, choose a name that resonates with the person you want to be.

So that's the first thing to do, decide what kind of person the name will resonate with. See the index to name change articles for pertinent information.

After that decision has been made, the numbers can be determined.

Determining the name numbers without considering the energies the numbers bring with them is a mistake. You're liable to end up with a name that doesn't resonate with, or may even be adamantly contrary to, the energies of the person you prefer to be.

Compatibility of the numbers in your name with each other and with your birthdate numbers is much less important than the influence they have on the person that is you.

In fact, depending on the kind of person the name is to resonate with, some incompatibility and dissonance is desired. Certain otherwise incompatible numbers create energies that provide welcome support to those wanting to be certain kinds of people.

See the Benefits of Incompatible Numbers article for more information about potential benefits of numerology dissonant numbers in a name.

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