Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Number 6 for Name Number
My D.o.b is 6th of [birth date removed]. If I add all the dates, it will give perfect 6. So can you please tell me what are the benefits of 6. And as My full name is reduced to no's, it'll give total of 4. So please tell me, if I change my name spelling to give 6 i.e [name removed] to [name removed], is it beneficial not. Please do tell me as I believe in numerology very well.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Study the numerology meaning of the number 6 to determine for yourself what its benefits are. I can't speak for you because what I consider to be benefits are likely to be different than what you consider to be benefits.
Before you change your name, peruse the articles linked from the name change index.
You already have a number 6 in your life path. Therefore, 6 benefits are already yours in the form of the types of events and circumstances that tend to occur as you live life.
In about four years, your life period cycle will also be the number 6, for a 27-year period. That will tend to attract even more 6-related events and circumstances in your life.
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