Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Not Compatible With Name
I'm not compatible with my name suggest some me letters to add in my name to get success in study and love.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The energy represented by a name tends to attract ideas, attitudes, and other personal characteristics. However, a name does not do any actions for you. The things you do and do not do, your actions, are what really matter in your life.
When thinking about changing your name, the first thing to do is determine what you want from your name, what type of energy. The About Numerology Number Meanings page can be used for that. Determine one number for your new name and, if you wish, another number of less importance than the first number you determined.
The second thing to do is make a list of names that are acceptable to you.
Then, when you have determined the name number you prefer and have a list of names, use the Best Name Finder. It will let you know which of the names on your list is the best (sometimes more than one) according to the name number you determined.
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