Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Never Felt Right About My First Name
I have never felt right about my first name. Since I was a little girl I never cared for it. Alexandra or Alyssa were more to my liking. I have always liked names that end with an A. I do love the name Dawn as a middle name. The name Dawn never felt right to me and people often think it's a guys name, Don. I am married and now have the last name of [name removed]. My father passed away years ago and my Grandmother's name was Emma. I think the name sounds beautiful with the name [name removed]. I am considering using the name Emma as a first name. I would still keep the names [name removed] as middle names. People have even told me Dawn is a guys name and called me Donna. I am so tired of it. I have also considered going by the name Dawna. When people ask me my name I don't like to tell them its Dawn. I feel like it doesn't fit. It doesn't sound good with the name [name removed]. I have thought of using [name removed] as my name but I think Emma is even more attractive. Please give me some advice to work this out. I have struggled with health problems since I was fifteen. I have an autoimmune illness that has taken most of my life from me and I have suffered through extreme pain from endomorphisms. Considering my date of birth I just read having a D name could bring lifelong health problems. I thought that was such a coincidence. I would appreciate any advice you could give me.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Currently, your destiny number (calculated from your name) and your life path number (calculated from your birth date) match exactly. Both are the number 9. Your power number is also a 9.
Perhaps the abundance of numbers 9 at major numerology chart positions results in an urge to swap out some of that abundance for numbers less represented.
Looking at the names you are considering, it appears you are attracted to the energies of the number 1 and the number 5.
The letter "a" is represented by the number 1. The letter "e" is represented by the number 5, as are the names "Emma" and "Alyssa." (The online calculator, Get the Numerology Numbers, can be used to obtain the numbers of other names.)
Some considerations:
The letter "d" in "Dawn" is the only place where the number 4 is represented in your name. Removing it may be acceptable or what you actually want. It's mentioned here in case one of your considerations is a name with balanced numbers.
Read the common name numerology article for a glimpse of the effects a common name change can have.
The first letter of a name represents your cornerstone and is an indication of what your talents are. The last letter of your first name is your capstone letter.
See the name change index page for other considerations related to a name change.
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