Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Need to Change My First and Last Name

I need to change my name, (first and last) what names would be best? The reason is for a fresh start, a new life.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The best name according to numerology depends on what kind of person you want to be. Determine which energies you prefer to subtly influence who you are and that determine the likelihoods and tendencies for how you view life and interact with it.

The name change index page has links to a number of pertinent name-change articles. They can provide a grounding and guide your choice.

Let's talk about what your birth date brings into your numerology chart. With that information at hand, you can have in mind what you want to fill in and/or what you want to counterbalance.

Your life path number is the number 3. This tends to bring events and circumstances into your life with opportunities for creative self-expression.

Your current pinnacle number is the number 1. It tends to bring independence and self-determinism as an influence of the person you are. The next pinnacle cycle change is eight years in the future.

Your current life period cycle number is the number 8. It tends to attract events and circumstances with opportunities for material acquisition and to direct large projects or organizations. The next life period cycle change is twenty-six years in the future.

The influence of energies represented by the four challenge numbers are always present. Yet, they also have a cyclic nature with the energies of each, in turn, being prominent. Your current prominent challenge number is the number 6 which brings challenges related to family and home. The next challenge cycle change is eight years in the future.

Note that the energies represented by your birth name will always be present. As you accept yourself as your new name and think and know yourself as your new name, those energies will subside somewhat. But they'll never be entirely gone.

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